Growthogy essential tools to help you learn about your audience

Essential Tools to Help You Learn About Your Audience

Do you know why your customer base is loyal to you over a competitor? For your business to succeed, you need to get to know your customers on a one-on-one basis. You truly need to know them intimately if you are genuinely wanting growth. Unfortunately, you cannot do that with hundreds or thousands of customers over the internet. Thankfully, there are essential tools to help you learn about your audience.

What Do You Need to Know about Your Customers?

Can clearly define your customers with clarity and detail? More importantly, you have a grasp of your customer profile and who your future buyers are. You can target an audience with persuasive and relevant information. You understand what your customers need and what problems you can help solve. Without this information, it would be almost impossible to map out a true marketing plan and understand your customer acquisition costs.

Here are some insights you should focus on:


Demographics advise you of certain attributes of who your customers are. This includes data such as age, geographic location, economic status, family make-up, and other specific traits.


Psychographics, on the other hand, identify psychological factors of your audience. These factors include values, needs, beliefs, and issues the customer faces.

Buying Behavior

Subsequently, it’s important to recognize how your audience makes decisions. Figure out how they make decisions about what they buy. This data is called buying behaviors.

Analytics Programs

Analytics can help you get to know your audience. Google Analytics is a free tool offered by the world’s biggest search engine that offers a wealth of information on website visitor behavior. Most importantly, Google Analytics allows you to collect information and segment your audience by age group, sex, location, and device type. It tells you how people interact with your website, which pages they spend time on, what traffic sources direct them to your site, and much more. Through Google Analytics, you can discover things like which of your pages’ content is most interesting to your audience.

Take advantage of the analytics offered by any tool you use. For example, Facebook provides data, statistics, and analytics that can help any business.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

Customer relationship management (CRM) programs help you collect and analyze a variety of data about your customers, including demographics and behavior. They track every interaction you have with your customers. Additionally, you can track data from initial inquiries, to repeat purchases. This data is analyzed and presented to show trends that give you insights into your audience. There are many CRM tools out there from basic to very sophisticated. Trello is a very simple and user-friendly option for those just getting started.

Online Surveys

Speaking virtually is often the desired or necessary form of communication for businesses. If you can’t talk to your customers directly, try through online surveys. Tools like Survey Monkey allow you to create and run surveys where you ask your audience whatever you’d like. To get more responses, you can offer a discount or freebie as an added incentive.

Look at the platforms you use as well to see if they have survey functions. Many social media platforms offer built-in survey features.

Social Media Tools

Social media is a great way to learn about your audience. There are many tools that can give you insights from these platforms. For instance, tools such as Mention award you the ability to choose specific topics to follow. A typical business cannot follow every single conversation. HubSpot has a free tool that uses social media to help you create a customer persona. As a result, social media tools can help you analyze content, profiles, and overall trends.


What are chatbots? Chatbots are a new and trendy form of technology. Chatbots are software applications that are programmed to send messages to users in a conversational interface. They are a virtual assistant used to interact with your website visitors. They can complete several tasks that your visitor might require. Chatbots can point them to the right product of interest, or help direct them to your sales team or even booking a reservation. There is no end to what you can get a chatbot to do for your company.

The great part about chatbots is they interact with as many visitors as you have on your site at any one time and work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Chatbots never stop and can increase conversions, be used for lead generation, decrease customer response times, and increase customer engagement and interaction. Growthogy is an expert conversational marketing agency that’s 100% focused on building and developing new chatbots for websites of any kind.

Don’t Forget the Personal Touch

Most importantly, don’t forget to maintain a personal connection. As a result of using the above tools, expect valuable relationships that must be nurtured with your customers. Keep channels of communication open and encourage them to reach out to you. Spend time interacting in a friendly way on social media. Use every interaction as a valuable opportunity to learn about the people you serve.


Take the time to get to know your customers. Thankfully, there are essential tools to help you learn about your audience. Find the best tools that work for you and watch your targeted marketing approach help grow revenue for your business.